Check the link below to see if your veterinary clinic is already participating.
You can call us at (413) 577-1823 or email at . If your vet isn't already participating, we will contact them about the collection.
Click the link below to see the list of information we will ask you about your dog. We will email you with the links to these surveys.
If you are scheduled for a tumor removal, we'd appreciate if you informed your client about the project, and got their permission to donate a portion of the tumor.
If the owner agrees, contact us with their name and email and we will contact them with surveys about the history of their dog.
We will provide the clinic with a kit containing a buffer solution to collect the tumor in.
If you are local, we will personally deliver the kit for tumor storage, and pick it up as soon as it is collected. If your clinic is farther, we will mail you a kit and provide a return label for your clinic to mail back to us. We provide an ice pack and buffer solution in the kit with instructions on what we are looking for in the sample. We prefer the tumor to be as fresh as possible when we receive it for optimal results. Thank you so much for contributing to this exciting study! We really appreciate your support!
Copyright © 2019 Canine Tumor Project - All Rights Reserved.